Monday, June 21, 2010

Last France Post

My deepest apologies for (yet another) late post.

This coming Saturday, I will be boarding a plane to cross the Atlantic once again. Six months of living in a foreign country is no mean feat. I will return back to the United States with mixed, bittersweet feelings. Yes, c'est complique, but as they say, c'est la vie.

I'm reading one last book before I head back by French writer Christine Kerdellant called Les chroniques de l'ingeneur Norton. The Chronicles of Engineer Norton. It's basically a culture shock comedy about an American man who goes to work in a French company in Paris. It's written by a Frenchwoman, so it's not necessarily true insight into an American view of the French, but rather, to me, an idea of what a French person thinks an American person thinks about the French. It's hilarious because it amounts to tongue-in-cheek French commentary on French culture as well as French conceptions of Americans.

In other French book news, I received an original 1949 copy of Le deuxiéme sexe in the mail the other day as a late birthday present. Super!

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