Monday, July 12, 2010

Marilynne Robinson on The Daily Show

So, here's my first Stateside post after coming back from the Hexagon, the country otherwise known as France.

I have a nice, juicy French philosophy book to dive into to keep my French skills fresh, but now that I'm back home, I want to turn to an author I highly admire who actually wrote Home. Before that, she penned Gilead for which she won the Pulitzer.

Though I was surprised to see her featured on my favorite fake news show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, it was so refreshing to hear her tempered answers to Stewart's (albeit gentle) prodding:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Marilynne Robinson
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

It's nice to know that a writer of faith can have a platform in a mainstream venue. There's something captivating about her quiet, temperate, reasonable manner. If you read any of her work, you would see the same quality in her writing. A still, small, solemn voice, but with a surprisingly powerful undercurrent which more than earns its merit.


  1. Oh, oh can't wait to watch this! I love what I know of Robinson and have her books my must- read list. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It's a dense read, but quite rewarding! She makes the point that all the original systems of "science is better than religion" (Darwin, Freud, etc) actually don't agree at all in their outlook, but somehow that's overlooked. Meaty reading. Working my way through it now.
