Monday, January 18, 2010

Writing to Music?

Most people go nuts about music. I don’t.

That makes it tough to be a Pentecostal sometimes, where 30 minute song services aren’t unusual. My beloved Mamaw was a “2-songs-and-done” Pentecostal, and I inherited her genes. It appears my son has as well. (We’re definitely an overlooked minority within the movement.) I’d much rather church service time were filled with a Scripture reading or sermonette than another congregational song, but that’ll never happen in my lifetime.

Not that I don’t enjoy music. I do. It’s just not the center of my life or my writing.

That said, if I find myself surfing the net or answering every email I’ve been avoiding for months instead of writing, I’ll often click on some jazz (John Coltrane, Charlie Parker) or a symphony (I like all the usual biggies) so that the music will push me into creativity. It often does. When I stop noticing it is when I’ve found my writing groove.

Music with lyrics is verboten however, unless I’ve immersed myself within the album for so long that the lyrics and music have merged in my mind. Otherwise, “the words” become an obstruction I can’t write through or around. (This doesn’t include the background tinkling at the book superstores I often write in, perhaps because they’re too distant or screened by the noise within the café.)

When I edit articles or lessons, I often go with my mood, be it loud and bangy or soft and soulful. If you examined my laptop’s Windows Media Player, you might be awed by its breadth and depth, but don’t be deceived. Along with my Christian selections, I reserve (free! from the local library!) almost everything in iTunes weekly Top 10 so I know what our youth group is listening to. Some I’ll listen to once and delete. Some I’ll listen to over and over. Either way, it’s an easy way to stay current.

The truth is, I don’t own an iPod. I don’t need a soundtrack to my life. I go nuts over writing and reading stories. Most people don’t.


  1. No... NO... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I am about to run screaming from the room in shock and agony. You do NOT own an iPod? What generation is this? What planet are you from? Don't you know that EVERYONE has to have an iPod? Didn't you get the memo from Steve Jobs? You will succumb. You will. You must. How else do you listen music? Eight track tape? LPs? Audiocassettes??? Next thing you'll tell me you don't have a Kindle and you're not planning to buy an iPad with the first month or two they're released...


  2. Yes, I knew I lost half my audience the moment I wrote "Windows Media Player." :)
