Friday, September 16, 2011

Writer's Group Surprise

So I joined a writer’s group out of the blue & I’ve been amazed at how my productivity has zoomed. Part of it is that I had a story in my head with a lot of foundation components completed, but part of it was the 2-3 pages I turned in every couple weeks for the others to read forced me to make decisions. Before I was plodding forward, but the tough decisions (names of characters, some key back story moments, the point of their actions) were being avoided “for later.”

No more. Because I had to offer something readable each meeting, I had to name the hotel manager, I had to decide if the main character was going to walk to the Ice Cream Shoppe or drive. Instead of a one sentence “Gets to Ice Cream Shoppe” because I didn’t want to handle these transitional descriptions -- I can write 3 pages of dialogue with the same speed as about 1 bad paragraph of description. Dialogue flows for me. Descriptions of places grind me to a complete halt. – I wrote them anyway.

Plus, because I had my foundation down, I feel like most of the decisions I’ve been forced into have been positive, or at least not detrimental. I’m sure if/when I hit page 300 I’ll look back and groan at some of these choices, but early on, it’s been a huge plus and deeply satisfying.

All of this decision-making has also made my imagination more fecund. Ideas come alive throughout the day. It doesn’t mean I still don’t get stuck or all the ideas are impossibly original – it just means I feel like I’ve been especially productive and fresh and don’t really have anything to atribute it to except joining the group. (Though I am faithful with my audio books, writing daily, and eating smarter, too. So those factors can’t hurt.)

If you haven’t joined a writer’s group, try one. (Ask around or Google for local groups or check out the bulletin boards around a university or in a coffee shop.) It might make you take your writing more seriously – and help it become more rewarding.

That said, no matter how fast I write, it seems like I never complete that many pages. Oh well.


  1. Question: How did you find this writers' group? I have been looking for just such a thing 'round here.

  2. Kent, I'm really glad the group is proving so helpful to you!

    In answer to, the group pretty much already existed as a group of friends. When I moved to the area from out of state, I suggested that we meet as a writers' group. I'd found the accountability and feedback of a group helpful during college. The irony: I'm the least active member of this group because of grad school assignments and wedding planning. That said, it's a great group, and if you can't find a group locally, maybe you could start one!

  3. I would add: haunt the bulletin boards of coffee shops, libraries, & university hang-outs. Google every variation of "writer's group" w/your geographic area on it. Put an ad in Craigslist. They're bubbling just below the surface of most people's lives if you dig a bit!
