Friday, April 20, 2012

A Fork on the Page

Strangeness. Have you ever been writing a story you know you're making progress on and keep getting nagged with solid ideas for another story? Sometimes this happens to me when I'm stuck in the primary story or I'm scared (perhaps not even admitting the fear to myself) where to go next, so it's easier to pursue another (underdeveloped) story where everything is still in the infatuation stage of perfection. That make sense to me.

This doesn't.

At present I'm working through a fun, extended scene of a first date where romantic magic & mischief intertwine -- and I'm being cascaded with whole swaths of dialogue & character insights & interesting settings from a (probable) short story. It's maddening, because it keeps drawing me away from my primary. It's also maddening because -- forgive my self-confidence here -- a lot of these distractions are pretty solid and some of it's quite good.

I have too many distractions from writing as it is. Getting distracted by my own imagination is unbearable!

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