Friday, April 6, 2012

Poetry: How Great is Our God?

“How Great is our God” is the song that we sing
As we bring this thing call worshiping as our praises wing
Their way to the throne of grace which pervades both light and space.
No word evades when He invades the place to taste our praise
But how much do we really know about God?
We nod in response to the preacher’s rod,
And when he makes a good point we all applaud!

But how great is our God? That’s the question.
Well, first I should mention His suspension
Of His condemnation for us in our sinful station;
We’re free from sin, but death still has us on probation
Did we miss the orientation on what it means to praise Him?
Not just words, a lifestyle should be our life’s ovation.

Secondly His creation of us with the formation of our brains
To generate great information.
How about the fact that He placed us in this nation
With freedom to praise Him without fear of segregation?

God is good to us. He gave food to us, He’s never rude to us
And He took the punishment due to us on Himself in lieu of us.
God is always true to us, but all this truth shouldn’t be new to us.

Here’s the point, let me clarify, because if I don’t really try
To tell you why we should shout His praises out to the sky
Then you will listen and maybe cry, but let these words pass on by continuing to fly
Blind, not knowing why we praise Adonai the most high.
So let’s take an example from the seraphims in the praises that we share for Him,
Singing “Holy!” worshiping Him, just like we worship in psalms and hymns.
Check it out in Isaiah 6 and once again in Revelation 4:
We can see them singing “Holy!” just because He’s the eternal LORD.
Psalms 7 verse 17, we see a command to praise the king
Just because of His righteousness, not because He gives us things.
The Maker of all the universe, the Creator of everything on earth
Is a righteous, holy God Who was manifest in a virgin birth
To save us from death’s curse; that’s what gives His name worth.
We owe Him, it’s not reversed; He beat sin to remove the curse;
We should’ve died, we deserved a hearse, but He stretched His arms wide to save the earth.

That’s the God that I praise; Do understand now why I raise my hands
And say “Worthy is the Lamb!” I can’t stay still, I have to stand and worship the great Jehovah-Olam:
Everlasting God, He stays the same. Do you comprehend now why I praise His name?

So because of Christ’s purchase of my worthlessness and purposelessness;
In return I got assurance of an eternal insurance
So I worship to honor and give furtherance to His holy purpose
And my actions every Sunday service are not just a show, like a circus
But a response to Christ goodness; that’s why I worship.

Submitted by college student Johnnie Peyton.

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